Vanessa Jones has written about her work in the following publications and books.


Environmental Arts Therapy, The Wild Frontiers of the Heart. Edited by Ian Siddons Heginworth & Gary Nash, 2020

“Growing Elders, The cultivation and collaboration of an elder women’s group in the woods” by Deborah Kelly and Vanessa Jones.

This chapter describes the development of an elder women’s group working in woodland in SE England. It is written from our perspective as facilitators  and as elders ourselves, and thus resonates with ethnographic study as well as reflexive practice. The voice of all group participants is heard indirectly, through our considerations, and directly through words, imagery and presence.

Ecotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice
Edited by Martin Jordan & Joe Hinds, 2016

“Feet on the ground and branching out: being with nature as a tool for recovery in crisis within NHS Mental Health Services” Chapter by Vanessa Jones, Brian Thompson and Julie Watson

This book chapter describes a weekly ecotherapy group running on Woolwich Common, South London. The group was provided within an NHS setting as part of Day Treatment for people recovering from acute mental illness and crisis. It is co-written by the two co-facilitators: an art therapist and occupational therapist and a service user participant.


Newsbriefing, June 2012 | British Association of Art Therapists

“Practice Definition: Art Therapy outdoors" by Vanessa Jones

This piece is written to further the discourse into the therapeutic framework and boundaries of taking art therapy outdoors within the profession. It gives an overview of ecotherapy practices, theory and research and outlines Vanessa’s first steps in pioneering a series of closed group art therapy interventions held in the gardens, grounds and nearby green space of Goodmayes Hospital as part of Redbridge Psychological Services, an NHS provider of Secondary Mental Health Care.


Newsbriefing, July 2015 | British Association of Art Therapists

“The Greening of Psychotherapy and its implications for Art Therapy practice" by Vanessa Jones

This opinion piece is written to give an overview of Ecotherapy and Ecopsychology practice and calls to art therapists to consider working with the bigger issues facing our societies and the earth. It includes clinical material and theoretical discourse.

"Environmental Arts Therapy and the Circle of Trees” by Gary Nash & Vanessa Jones

This piece is written to introduce environmental arts therapy practice into the wider professional field of art therapy practice.


1st Nature Based Therapy Symposium | University of Sussex, 2015

“Ecotherapy in the NHS” by Vanessa Jones & Brian Thompson

A dialogue between co-facilitators of a weekly ecotherapy group within acute and crisis mental health services, featuring audio visual recordings made with group participants.